I am Surrounded be by Neurodivergent People!

I love my family, and I appreciate them. But some days it is incredibly taxing to negotiate life with them. They can hyper-fixate for days on something and not even see or hear what happens around them. Out of sight out of mind is constant. Time has no consistency. If they want to be doing something 5 hours seems like 5 mins. However, 20 minutes of chores and they behave as if they have done 20 hours. They have item blindness as well. Which is the most amazing phenomenon. Items on the floor, table, or chair are invisible. It is like they can’t see the mess they have created around them. Nor can they locate an item right in front of them. It drives me insane!

Can you see the mess? I see the mess! To them it is invisible!

I have read about the mental load that most women carry. And it is real. But my children are not little anymore. I should not have to remind them or my husband of daily task. It all gets very overwhelming at times. Today was one of those days.

Beach Fun!

They are my world, my strength, and my heart! I love them to the moon and back everyday! Some days their special gifts and just a little more special than I am able to recognize.

So, I expressed myself in probably not the best way. Took a shower. Then wrote, keeping it real. That is how I survived today,


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